How Much Does An EFT Tapping Session Cost?

How Much Does An Eft Tapping Session Cost
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When investigating your options for finding an EFT practitioner, the first question many people ask is, ” How much does an EFT Tapping session cost?

The numbers vary widely based on the experience, skill level, and qualifications of the EFT Tapping practitioner.

You’re going to find people who charge $30 or $35 an hour and you’re going to find people who charge $250 an hour. But the average price seems to be about $100 an hour.

And if you do multiple sessions, which is always recommended because it’s going to take a while to ramp up, you’re probably going to have a discount for your hourly rate.

Now, when you look at that price, the thing that’s really invaluable to see is to compare it with something like counseling, for example, where you can be paying $200 an hour and be in counseling forever, whereas with EFT you’re going to see results in the very first session. And you’re going to find life-changing results that bring permanent changes quickly.

And so by the end of your time with an EFT practitioner, your life is going to have transformed in so many ways.

I hope that answers your question, “how much does an eft tapping session cost?

If you’d like to knowHow effective is EFT Tapping?”, check out our article here.

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