What is SUDS in EFT Tapping?

Subjective Unit Of Distress Scale
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Beginners to the world of EFT Tapping might be interested in knowing what is SUDS in EFT Tapping.

SUDS is a Subjective Unit of Distress Scale, and it’s how we measure results in EFT.

So before you start tapping, you’re going to take a minute and you’re going to feel how you feel in this moment and you’re going to take a rating on a scale of 0 to 10. Zero is I have no stress at all and ten is maximum stress.

Then you’re going to tap around and when you’re done, you’re going to go back, you’re going to feel again and you’re going to see what your SUDS score is then.

So in most cases, you’re going to find that the number goes down. If it doesn’t, your topic is probably too general or you need to tap more rounds. But that is the Subjective Unit of Distress Scale and how you use it.

If you are interested in learning other EFT Basics, you might be interested in this article on the difference between long-form and short-form tapping, also known as the shortcut. 

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