CATEGORY: Supplemental Courses

Toltec Nagual Reiki

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

This form of shamanic Reiki combines the energies of Reiki with the teachings, techniques, and symbols of the Toltec/Mayan shamanic cultures of Mexico. It is a form of hands-on healing that is designed to introduce spiritual seekers and energetic healers to the basic concepts, energies, and techniques of the Toltec Nagual Shamans of Central & Southern Mexico, the Yucatec/Mayan shamans, and the Moundbuilder energies from North America (who are descendants of the Naguals of ancient Mexico) combined with the energies of the original Japanese Usui Reiki.

This class is excellent for anyone who is interested in learning reiki or honing their reiki skills. It is an excellent way to “pump up the volume” on the skills you already have as reiki healer in any of the other traditions or to learn something brand new.

This class is also an excellent choice for anyone who is interested in learning shamanism or who will be taking the Shamanic Studies training through IMU.

Toltec Nagual Reiki was created in 2007 by Chojal Nohol (Rev. Randall Hastings) after more than 25 years of continued study, initiations, and practice in Toltec/Mayan Nagual shamanism, 30 years of Chinese Qigong practice, and over 10 years practice as a Master/Teacher of many different forms of Reiki. Rev. Hastings is an initiated Medicine Priest of the Order of the Feathered Serpent and an initiate in the Toltec Order of Tezcatlipoca (Jaguar shamanism) and also a trained Mayan Jaguar Initiate and Shamanism.

Reverend Hastings, who was a founding Dean of IMU, passed away suddenly though perhaps not unexpectedly on 11:11: 2009. Only a week before his passing, after leading the opening ceremony for IMU, Rev. Hastings was known to  have told one of our team members that “a portal is opening next week and I might take it.”  He was 55 years old.

Rev. Dr. Hastings was a brilliant man and a gift to the world. This course is the culmination of his life’s work. It is his legacy and we are proud to share it with you.