What is Tapping Good For?

What Is Eft Tapping Good For
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The Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as Tapping or EFT, is a powerful healing tool that can be used for a wide variety of issues and challenges. But what is tapping good for exactly? In this video, EFT Master Practitioner and Certifying instructor Deborah Lindsey discusses the various things that Tapping can help. 

What is EFT Tapping good for?

For people who are new to EFT., it can be a little sort of unbelievable. That EFT can help so many things, how’s that possible? I remember when I first got trained and I was putting out there that I could help this and this and this, and this guy, some guy one of the guys in my Healing Practitioners group, actually, it was like, nobody’s going to believe that you can help so many things with this. And it was actually a hit on my credibility that if he could help so many things.

But that was because, A, nobody had ever heard of it back then and also because people didn’t understand. How it works, which is something we really talk about in the EFT training, when you start to really understand how EFT works, you understand that it does apply to all of these different things because. Underneath all of. These. These issues are a disruption in the body’s energy system and that disruption in the body’s energy system when it’s identified and it’s cleared.

it calms all things. It’s powerful that you can use the EFT to deal with something as simple as a headache or a phobia. But it can also work for addictions and it can help with sexual trauma and it can help with self-esteem and limiting beliefs and so many different things. It’s like a cascade of issues once you have. Identified those. Disruptions, those things that are like ripples in the water of your life and you take them out so that you’re not chronically traumatizing.

You just calm. You come on the inside, you come on the outside and your symptoms come down. That’s why you left is great for everything, because it’s a disruption in the energy system. So. Whether you have an immune disease or you have anxiety or depression or PTSD or whatever, once you use these techniques and they’re not necessarily easy to learn. Right. And they’re not necessarily simple. But once you learn the techniques and how to really maneuver within them and how to put the effort to practice, it can be used to heal your life.

It’s not just a technique that heals. Things enhance lives. And that, I think, is what makes it so special and so powerful and why it’s worth learning. Because after all, don’t we all need that? Don’t we all need to just feel better in our own skin and feel better in our own lives to be able to address all of the things that have become little dings in the potential of our real world? You know, all those things that hold us back from being everything we’re supposed to be and do everything we’re supposed to be and to be able to live fully and to have the life that we want to live. So that’s what it really does. Is it addresses all of those things that hold us back so that we can be our fullest self? The Headaches. The Illnesses. The addictions. The limiting beliefs. They’re all a piece of that puzzle. But at the end of the day, it’s all about living your best life.

To me, it’s all about living your best life. And that’s the true power of EFT, that’s what EFT does. I can’t imagine my own life without it. And once you have the training, I feel confident that you will feel the same. Hope to see you in the training.

Here is a Partial List of Things that EFT Tapping is Good For


Anxiety and Stress

Tapping is a powerful tool for quickly and effectively eliminating or reducing stress and anxiety, allowing for a happier, healthier life.



EFT Tapping works on the premise that all addictions are, at their core, a form of anxiety management. By calming anxiety, addictions are more easily eliminated.



Tapping has proven highly effective at stopping an attack of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in its tracks.


Childhood Trauma

Unresolved childhood trauma is often the cause of many other ailments including anxiety, addictions, PTSD, physical pain, and more.


Sexual Trauma

Sexual trauma, sexual abuse, and negative sexual experiences including rape, incest, molestation, sexual experimentation, etc, too often define the quality of someone's life. EFT often brings profound relief.


Fears and Phobias

Fears and Phobias are caused by traumatic past experiences or improper references. By releasing these blockages, it is possible to live a fearless life.


Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs can be paralyzing and keep us from living our full potential. With EFT Tapping, we can clear the blocking beliefs to create a better, more fulfilling life.


Money Blocks

Financial Blocks are often based in limiting beliefs. By identifying and mitigating these beliefs, it becomes easier to create abundance.


Relationship Issues

Sexual trauma, sexual abuse, and negative sexual experiences including rape, incest, molestation, sexual experimentation, etc, too often define the quality of someone's life. EFT often brings profound relief.



Dyslexia is caused by a miswiring in the body's energy system. Through tapping, we align things correctly, and reading is normalized.



Insomnia is often driven by unresolved fears or traumas. By eliminating them, sleep comes more easily.

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Grief can be healthy in the short-run but incredibly damaging in the long-term. By examining beliefs about death and loss and tapping through them it becomes possible to honor the loved ones lost without holding on to the pain.


Body Issues

Hating oneself is often based in learned behaviors, social patterning, improper beliefs, and unresolved trauma. By addressing each of these areas, it is possible to love yourself as you are.



Like body issues, self-esteem is often crafted from false beliefs about oneself. Low self-esteem is a consequence of these false beliefs and the negative self-talk can become addictive in nature. By clearing these patterns, one can enjoy healthy self-esteem.


Physical Pain

Physical pain is a communication device by which the body talks to us. Often the pain we feel on the outside is a manifestation of unresolved emotional pain that we feel on the inside. By addressing both the external and internal issues, pain often goes away.



Headaches and Migraines are often resolved using EFT Tapping, sometimes in just minutes. It is based in the understanding that the body is caught in a cycle of worry or stress and is trying not to address them. When we tap on them, the issues are resolved and the pain goes away.



Procrastination is often based on fear. The fear can be a fear of repeating an unresolved past failure, a fear of shame or embarrassment. By tapping on the fears that hold us back, moving forward becomes a breeze.



Self-sabotage is the psyche's way of protecting ourself but it can be highly disruptive in all areas of our lives. When we self-sabotage we KNOW the action we are taking is harmful but we do it anyway. With EFT Tapping we can eliminate the underlying issues to give you control again.


Weight Loss

People hold on to weight for a myriad of reasons. Perhaps it is a way of protecting ourselves, for managing unresolved trauma, or bringing the appearance of happiness in an otherwise unfulfilled life. With EFT Tapping, we address each of these areas.


Sports Performance

The difference between a good athlete and a great athlete goes beyond physical abilities. It is often a head game, where the battle is within ourselves. By tapping out the anxiety and the self-sabotage, our greatness can shine.

I hope that gives you a good idea of what Tapping is good for. 

Learn how to heal fibromyalgia with EFT Tapping. 

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