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EFT Tapping Mentorship Program

Too often people get certified in EFT Tapping and then get lost in creating their successful EFT business. The EFT Tapping Mentorship Program is designed to make sure that doesn’t happen to you! Monthly live calls with Deborah, Private WhatsApp chat, Special Classes, and more. 

Improve your Client Results and Grow Your Successful EFT Practice

Becoming a successful EFT practitioner can be daunting, but it IS possible. With the right guidance, you can go on to earn a great living on your own terms and experience the fulfillment that comes from doing what you were meant to do.

The EFT Tapping Mentorship Program is designed specifically for walking you through the process of getting certified, starting your business, growing your business, and scaling your business. We do this through what we call “The Success Path.”

Deborah created this program with EFT Master Dawn Pensack, who has since moved on to other projects. Together they guide you step-by-step along that path to make the process of becoming a successful EFT practitioner as easy as possible.

In the EFT Tapping Mentorship Program, we help you to:

  • Learn Valuable Marketing Skills
  • Overcome Your Fears
  • Develop Your Confidence
  • Hone Your Skillset
  • Connect with Community
  • Maintain Long-Term Focus

The Tools You Need to Grow Your EFT Business Quickly and with Ease

The Success Path

The Success Path is a step-by-step process that you can follow to start and grow your business. Each step along the path comes with the training you need to put it into action and to gauge your results.


Community is everything when you are building your business. No one succeeds alone! The EFT Tapping Mentorship community offers an exclusive WhatsApp Chat.

Live Calls

Deborah leads one live video call per month where you can jump on to ask your questions, discuss client issues, and more. Each call is unique and has a life of its own.


Use tapping to overcome the fears that keep you from moving forward.

Meet the instructorS

Dawn Pensack

A former high school math teacher, Dawn transformed her life to become a certified Master EFT Practitioner, Hypnotist, and author. She is also the founder and host of the Awaken Your Health podcast and co-founder of the EFT Tapping Mentorship Program. She is also the mother two. 
Meet the instructorS

Deborah Lindsey

Deborah Lindsey is the founder of the Center for EFT Studies and an EFT Master Instructor with more than 24 years of hands-on experience in the EFT space. She is the creator of an advanced form of EFT Tapping known as Instructional EFT (IEFT), which focuses primarily on chronic illness.

She worked as an EFT practitioner full time from 2000 to 20012, when she switched to teaching full time. She was the first EFT trainer to offer EFT certification training 100% online and has now trained more than 5,000 EFT practitioners from 52 countries around the world. She was heard as a special speaker on the Tapping World Summit in 2020. 

Previously, Deborah founded the International Metaphysical University and served as President from 2009 to 2018.