Shifting Your Success Setpoint
In this EFT tapping class, we seek to identify your “Success Setpoint” and the underlying reasons that we hold it in place so that we can shift it to a new level and shift your life into higher gear. Taught by Deborah Lindsey and Dawn Pensack.
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Course Overview
Do you feel like something is always blocking your success? As soon as something good happens, you sabotage yourself and you are right back where you started?
For many people, this is related to what we call “The Success Set Point.” This is an unseen barrier that we carry within us that says we are only allowed to achieve so much before it is no longer safe to manifest or create more.
In this 4-part tapping series, I have partnered with Dawn Pensack, the co-creator of the EFT Tapping Mentorship Program, to help you to identify, overcome, and transform those blocks that hold you back from creating success in your life. In each module, we will tackle these blocks and create a new set point so that you are able to allow yourself more success.
We will cover the following.
Lesson 1. Identifying Your True Desires. In this tap-along session, we will do the work to identify what it is you really want. We will tap through the blocks that keep you from seeing and embracing your true desires.
Lesson 2. Identifying the Setpoint. In this process, we will interact with the saboteur to identify the beliefs that hold you back.
Lesson 3. Removing the Blocks. Going Deeper on the blocks that determine our setpoint.
Week 4. Reprogram your setpoint. Here we tap to magnify your brilliance and ask for more of your own strengths. We tap to adapt the setpoint to your new perspective.