Breaking the cycle of

Chronic Financial Anxiety to Find Peace

Break the cycle of chronic financial anxiety using Tapping to help you to experience peace around money. Dig into the limiting beliefs that have held you back and learn how to eliminate them quickly and easily. 

What Are Your Hidden Money Blocks?

I have discovered Four Subconscious Money Blocks that sabotage every effort you make at creating a more abundant and peaceful life. Which ones controls you?

Limiting Beliefs

Able, Willing, and Worthy

Family Template

Chronic Retraumatization

In this comprehensive, six-module online tapping class, you will look beneath the surface to discover the hidden programming in your unconscious mind that is holding you back. This programming holds you in place, no matter how hard you try to change your outer world.

Hi. I'm Deborah And I Used To Be Where You Are Now.

I know where you are because I’ve been there. I was broke until I was 50 years old. I know what it feels like to lie awake at night wondering how to get through the next day. And I know how helpless and hopeless it can make you feel.

But now I also know that it doesn’t have to be that way.  Not only have I been able to turn my life around, now I live the life I always dreamed of.

That doesn’t mean I’m a billionaire, but it does mean I have what I want. I have enough to cover all my bills, save for my future, invest, and help others. More importantly, I have peace around money. It’s all I ever wanted or needed and I’m grateful beyond words! 

I have discovered a tool and a pathway that you can use to also find peace around money. I know not just because I’ve done it, but because I have helped many others to do it. And I would be honored to help you too. 
This Online Tapping Class Will Teach You the Skills You Need to Bring About Financial Peace. These Skills Will Change Every Aspect of Your Life.

Uncover And Uninstall The Hidden Programming That Keeps You Trapped In A Cycle Of Constant Financial Anxiety

Admit it. What you’re doing isn’t working. Instead of attracting what you want, you’re attracting everything you DON’T want.

How long have you already been here? This cycle can last a lifetime. Many people never get out of it. Will you be one of the lucky few who manage to break the cycle and create a better life?

To create what you want, first, you must understand what’s holding you in that backward pattern. You must know HOW to change it. And finally, you must put that information into ACTION to break those cycles and create peace in your life.

This comprehensive 6-module course will teach you all three steps to having peace around money and ultimately being able to create and attract what you REALLY want in your life.

Once you have changed the way you think, feel, and attract money, ALL things become possible.
Meet the instructor

Deborah Lindsey

Deborah Lindsey is the founder of the Center for EFT Studies and an EFT Master Instructor with more than 24 years of hands-on experience in the EFT space. She is the creator of an advanced form of EFT Tapping known as Instructional EFT (IEFT), which focuses primarily on chronic illness.

She worked as an EFT practitioner full time from 2000 to 20012, when she switched to teaching full time. She was the first EFT trainer to offer EFT certification training 100% online and has now trained more than 5,000 EFT practitioners from 52 countries around the world. She was heard as a special speaker on the Tapping World Summit in 2020. 

Previously, Deborah founded the International Metaphysical University and served as President from 2009 to 2018.