What is the Theory Behind EFT Tapping

Deborah Lindsey

Biochemistry is the caboose on the train

When people ask, what is the theory behind EFT tapping, they're often asking, "what is the biochemistry of tapping?" But in reality, biochemistry is the caboose on the train. The biochemical reactions are the RESULT of tapping, but not the reason why EFT Tapping works. 

Through the lens of energy

While traditional medicine looks at the body through a biochemical perspective, in the tapping world, we are looking at the body through the lens of energy. 

It all starts by understanding that we are made of energy. Science has shown that when you break down the atom to it's smallest components, there is "nothing" there. What is really "there" is the purest form of who we are, pure energy. 

The physical world as we know it starts as energy. As energy vibrations slow down, we can begin to see and experience our world. The same is true of the body, which is the main vehicle through which we experience ourselves in this lifetime. 

Energy first, biochemistry second

Once we understand that we are comprised of energy, we can start to understand the theory behind EFT tapping. 

As energetic beings, we are a conduit for energy. Energy runs through us like electricity runs through wires. When our energy is running smoothly, without blocks, we experience health and peace. 

But when that energy gets blocked, we experience distress. That distress can come in many forms. It can come as pain or depression or sadness, or any variation of negative emotion or physical ailment. 

How does energy can get blocked?

Energy can get blocked in a variety of means. The most obvious of which is trauma. When we experience any form of trauma or misalignment, such as in the case of blocking beliefs or non-forgiveness, our energy reacts. It is like a zzzt in an electrical wire. And that block can wreck all kinds of havoc. 

Worse, because that energy is blocked, it can replay itself over and over again like a phonograph stuck in a groove. That is why we can look back at traumatic events and experience them as if they are happening today with great clarity. 

Our emotions are "energy in motion"

Our emotions are pure energy. Scientists have studied every area of the body and have been wholly unable to explain what emotions are. They may explain them away as various neurotransmitters or neuropeptides, but they are ultimately inconclusive. Again, this is because energy comes before matter. And so any neuropeptides, etc, are the result of the energy, not the original catalyst. 

In the world of energy, we understand that our emotions are really just energy in motion. You can actually FEEL when the energy is moving freely as you feel free. You feel happy, elated, content. 

And when energy is blocked, you can feel that too. It's like you can't move forward with your life, or you can't get over something that happened to you, even if it was many years ago. 

Energy moves in predictable patterns

For centuries, eastern medicine has understood that energy moves through our bodies in predictable patterns. This has been identified as meridians in the body. These are the pathways through which energy moves. 

In acupuncture, for example, needles are placed strategically on the body to stimulate the motion of stuck "chi", i.e., life force energy. 

In EFT Tapping, we move the energy through the body, clearing old blocks, by tapping or percussing on these same energy centers. 

Tapping clears the blocks

In EFT Tapping, we tune into a specific memory or feeling while tapping on specific points on the energy system in order to clear these blocks, thereby returning the body to a point of homeostasis. We don't actually "remove" anything. Rather, we simply help the energy to move. 

One can liken it to running virus elimination software on your computer. We are effectively identifying a "virus" and running the "software" to eliminate the unwanted block. 

And that is the theory behind EFT Tapping. 

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