What Is the Basic Recipe in EFT Tapping?
If you're new to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping, you might be wondering, "What is the basic recipe in EFT tapping?"
This simple yet powerful process can help you manage stress, anxiety, and a variety of emotional issues. Let's break down the steps so you can start tapping your way to better emotional health.
This simple yet powerful process can help you manage stress, anxiety, and a variety of emotional issues. Let's break down the steps so you can start tapping your way to better emotional health.
The Basic Recipe
The basic recipe is a tapping sequence that is used in the Emotional Freedom Techniques. This tapping sequence has been slightly adapted over the years, specifically to add a tapping point at the top of the head. Otherwise it has remained largely unchanged.
The Tapping Sequence
Tap on each of the following points while repeating a reminder phrase (a short version of your setup statement, like "this stress" or "my headache"). Tap each point about 7 times.
This original sequence is also referred to as long form EFT tapping. It was later shortened into the "EFT Shortcut", which is often seen in general use on the internet, mainly for its ease of use.
However, many professional EFT practitioners who are trained in the long form of EFT tapping and understand the use, purpose, and value in using the entire Basic Recipe in EFT Tapping, and will implement it in their EFT tapping practice.
Side of the Hand (SOH). Tap on the side of the hand three times while saying the full setup phrase. Alternately, you can tap on "the sore spot" for this process. The side of the hand point is located on the outside of the hand, in the fleshy spot underneath the pinky finger. You can tap on either hand.
Top of the Head (TOH). As mentioned earlier, this spot is not part of the original Basic Recipe in EFT tapping but has, over time, been integrated into the Basic Recipe as if it were a part of the original sequence. It is located, as suggested by the name, at the top of the head.
This original sequence is also referred to as long form EFT tapping. It was later shortened into the "EFT Shortcut", which is often seen in general use on the internet, mainly for its ease of use.
However, many professional EFT practitioners who are trained in the long form of EFT tapping and understand the use, purpose, and value in using the entire Basic Recipe in EFT Tapping, and will implement it in their EFT tapping practice.
Side of the Hand (SOH). Tap on the side of the hand three times while saying the full setup phrase. Alternately, you can tap on "the sore spot" for this process. The side of the hand point is located on the outside of the hand, in the fleshy spot underneath the pinky finger. You can tap on either hand.
Top of the Head (TOH). As mentioned earlier, this spot is not part of the original Basic Recipe in EFT tapping but has, over time, been integrated into the Basic Recipe as if it were a part of the original sequence. It is located, as suggested by the name, at the top of the head.
Eyebrow (EB): The eyebrow point is located at the beginning of the eyebrow, near the bridge of the nose. You can tap on either side, or both sides at the same time.
Side of the Eye (SE): The side of the eye point is located on the bone alongside the outside of the eye. Again, you can tap on either eye, or both of them at the same time.
Under the Eye (UE): The under the eye point is located on the soft area on the bone directly under the eye. Again, you can use either eye or both at the same time.
Under the Nose (UN): This point is located between the nose and upper lip.
Chin (CH): The chin point is located midway between the bottom of the lower lip and the chin. Many people mistakenly want to tap on the chin itself, but the actual point is in the indent below the mouth. This point is sometimes referred to as the "below the lip" point.
Collarbone (CB): The collarbone point can be a little tricky for people to find at first. To find it, follow the clavical bone down toward the center of your chest until you reach the end of it. You will feel a little knob there, known as the clavicular knob. IT's the part that sticks up.
Under the Arm (UA): The under the arm point is located about 4 inches below the armpit on either side of the body. For many people, this point will be tender to the touch.
Thumb (Th): To find the thumb point, hold out your hand as if you are going to shake hands with someone. Then tap on the outside of the thumb, on the side of the thumb nail. The exact point is technically located at the outside corner of the bottom of the thumb nail.
Pointer Finger (PF): The remaining finger points are located in essentially the same place as the thumb, on the outside of the nail.
Middle Finger (MF): Also located on the outside of the finger at the base of the nail.
Pinky Finger (PF): Also located on the outside of the finger at the base of the nail.
You may notice that the Ring Finger is not included in the sequence. This is because the meridian points needed in the Basic Recipe for the Ring Finger are already covered the Nine-gamut sequence, which we will learn about next.
In the situation where the 9-Gamut Sequence is eliminated, the ring finger can be added back in order to stimulate all relevant meridians.
Thumb (Th): To find the thumb point, hold out your hand as if you are going to shake hands with someone. Then tap on the outside of the thumb, on the side of the thumb nail. The exact point is technically located at the outside corner of the bottom of the thumb nail.
Pointer Finger (PF): The remaining finger points are located in essentially the same place as the thumb, on the outside of the nail.
Middle Finger (MF): Also located on the outside of the finger at the base of the nail.
Pinky Finger (PF): Also located on the outside of the finger at the base of the nail.
You may notice that the Ring Finger is not included in the sequence. This is because the meridian points needed in the Basic Recipe for the Ring Finger are already covered the Nine-gamut sequence, which we will learn about next.
In the situation where the 9-Gamut Sequence is eliminated, the ring finger can be added back in order to stimulate all relevant meridians.
The Ham Sandwich
When discussing the Basic Recipe, the tapping points are only a part of the process. The sequence begins by tapping the points mentioned above, followed by the Nine-Gamut Sequence, and then followed by an additional round of tapping these same points.
This process is often referred to as "the Ham Sandwich" in that the 9-Gamut Sequence is sandwiched in between the two rounds of tapping, much like ham is sandwiched between two pieces of bread to make up a ham sandwich.
This process is often referred to as "the Ham Sandwich" in that the 9-Gamut Sequence is sandwiched in between the two rounds of tapping, much like ham is sandwiched between two pieces of bread to make up a ham sandwich.
The Nine-Gamut Sequence
To complete the 9-Gamut Sequence, begin by tapping on the 9-Gamut point. This point can be found on the back of either hand, in the indent about one inch below the pinky finger and the ring finger.
Hold you head still while looking forward. Continue tapping on the 9-Gamut point while you perform the following:
Hold you head still while looking forward. Continue tapping on the 9-Gamut point while you perform the following:
- Close your eyes
- Open your eyes
- Look down hard right (using your eyes but keeping your head still)
- Look down hard left
- Circle your eyes to the right
- Circle your eyes to the left
- Hum a short tune (usually the first bar of "Happy Birthday" but it can be any tune)
- Count to 5 (can be rapid)
- Hum the same tune (first bar only)
Repeat the Tapping Sequence
Now you will repeats the tapping sequence.
You have now completed one full round of the Basic Recipe in EFT Tapping.
You have now completed one full round of the Basic Recipe in EFT Tapping.
Why The Basic Recipe Works
The specific tapping sequence is designed to stimulate all major meridian systems in the body, systematically. By doing so, we are able to clear and balance all of the systems in the body.
The 9-gamut sequence is accessing different aspects of the brain and it's connection to memories stored in different sectors of the brain while tapping to help clear these memories, many of which are not easily accessible to the conscious mind.
The 9-gamut sequence is accessing different aspects of the brain and it's connection to memories stored in different sectors of the brain while tapping to help clear these memories, many of which are not easily accessible to the conscious mind.
While the EFT Shortcut, which is used by a majority of EFT users because of it's easy use on social media and tapping platforms, will connect with some of the meridian systems but not all, generally producing less extensive results.
This is why many trained professional EFT practitioners will use the whole Basic Recipe in their tapping with clients, or they will pick and choose which pieces of the Basic Recipe to use in specific situations.
This is why many trained professional EFT practitioners will use the whole Basic Recipe in their tapping with clients, or they will pick and choose which pieces of the Basic Recipe to use in specific situations.
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