How Do You Find an EFT Practitioner?

Deborah Lindsey

How to Find an EFT Practitioner

How do you find an EFT practitioner?

Go to Here you'll find a wide variety of EFT practitioners to suit your needs.

They're well trained, they're qualified, they have accredited training and you can trust them: THEY'RE GOOD!!

AEFTP Directory

AEFTP, more formally known as the Association of EFT Professionals, is a professional 501(c)3 organization that accredits EFT Certification training and provides additional services to its members. The Center for EFT Studies is proud to be accredited by the Association of EFT Professionals.

On the AEFTP Directory, you can sort for the following: 


If you are looking for an EFT practitioner near you, you can sort by location and find the nearest qualified practitioner. 

Online, In Office, Home Visits

You can look for a practitioner who will work with you online, which is often the most convenient, eliminating the need for finding an EFT practitioner near you. If you prefer to work in person, you can find someone who offers office visits or even home visits! 

Level of Certification

If you are looking for someone who has a certain level of training, for example EFT Masters, you can filter to see only those practitioners who have achieved that elite status. 

Area of Specialization 

Looking for someone who specialization?  Choose from practitioners who specialize in a wide variety of specializations including things like anxiety, self-esteem, relationship issues, sexual trauma, physical pain, addictions, and many more. 

Complementary Certifications

Perhaps you would like to work with someone who is also a life or health coach, a licensed counselor, nurse, hypnotist, massage therapist, or the like. You can also find that on the AEFTP directory

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