As Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as EFT Tapping, has gained prominence worldwide, the demand for experienced, competent, and well-trained practitioners has skyrocketed. Those most highly in demand are the EFT Masters.
But what exactly is an EFT Master?
The straightforward answer is that an EFT Master is someone who has completed the Level 3 EFT Certification Training, which we offer here at the Center for EFT Studies.
However, being an EFT Master goes beyond mere EFT Master certification—it's about having the skillset to work with even the most complex clients who present with chronic issues and getting results when no one else can.
EFT Master's are those specifically trained to work with "Life Clients."
The key difference between a Master practitioner and a Level 1 or 2 certified EFT practitioner is that an EFT Master practitioner is trained to work with what we refer to as "Life Clients."
In Levels 1 and 2 EFT Certification training, practitioners are trained to work with issue-based clients. These clients typically present a single issue, such as a craving, phobia, bothersome memory, or physical pain. While it requires a comprehensive skillset to address these issues, they are generally contained and quickly remedied, often within 1 to 3 sessions.
Life clients, however, present a different challenge. With Life Clients, you are addressing a complex range of intertwined issues, often resulting in chronic illnesses, long-term trauma, and addictions. These clients require a practitioner skilled in navigating this broad range of issues, identifying core problems, working extensively with childhood trauma, creating strategic plans, and managing the entire healing process.
These clients are often the foundation of a successful EFT practice, as they require more time to heal deeply. Many Life Clients become long-term clients, sometimes needing a year or more of regular sessions. A well-trained and experienced EFT Master can make the difference between moderate results and life-changing outcomes.
Becoming an EFT Master Practitioner is not for everyone. It requires patience, commitment, a strong constitution, and time. EFT Masters are a special breed, called to help others and willing to "go into the deep end."
Going into the deep end is challenging. As an EFT Master, you must be present for clients revealing their deepest pains and traumas, often including sexual trauma. It means being "all in" during sessions and then being able to leave it all behind when you go home, knowing you are the conduit, and the client is ultimately the healer.
It means forgiving yourself when a client doesn't seem to be getting better, remembering that these clients have not been helped by anyone else, and that healing takes time. So, you keep going. It's not for everyone, but it takes a special person to meet these challenges.
The payoff comes when you see lives transforming right before your eyes, knowing you played a significant role. It comes when a person who has never been able to trust begins to trust, when old traumas lose their power, and when someone who has never been pain-free can live a normal life. The payoff is significant, and while the journey may be tough, it is always worth it in the end.
The process to become an EFT Master is straightforward but not simple. You'll need to complete the certification for Levels 1 and 2 and then proceed to the Level 3 certification training.
At the Center for EFT Studies, we are the only program where you can sign up for all three levels and complete them consecutively. While other programs may require a waiting period before advancing to Level 3, we encourage practitioners to go directly into Level 3 training. This approach ensures that the information from Levels 1 and 2 is fresh in your mind, building on your skillset while you hone your skills and preventing the development of bad habits.
While each person works at their own pace, expect the process to take approximately one year.
To learn more about the EFT certification programs we offer, visit our main page at
Or click here to register for the EFT Certification training. Be sure to sign up for all three levels to get the best possible price.