Shifting through the different options can be daunting so we put together this guide to help you decide which is the best EFT certification program for you.
Perhaps most importantly, we are giving you valuable insights into how many of these EFT programs work to help you avoid pitfalls along the way and help you to choose the EFT Tapping certification program that is right for you.
How to Begin
1. Find the Right Instructor
While new talent and energy is always welcome, when it comes to choosing your best EFT certification training, you want the knowledge and practical hands-on experience of professionals who have seen it all because this is their focus.
Here are the things to consider.
- Does the instructor have hands-on experience “in the seat” actually working with clients? Many popular programs are taught by people who are famous but spend more time writing books or marketing their programs than working with clients or students. When choosing a program, you want someone who brings years and years of hard-earned experience to the table.
- Is EFT the primary modality of the instructor? Beyond experience, look for an instructor whose primary modality is EFT. Many of the programs on the market are offered by people who use EFT as a secondary modality. For example, many instructors are actually writers, researchers, chiropractors, counselors, psychologists, etc. who use EFT as a secondary modality. When choosing an EFT instructor choose someone who uses EFT as a primary modality, not as a sideline.
- Who actually teaches the course? For many of the big programs, the “famous guy at the top” doesn’t actually teach the training themselves. Instead, they will have people they have trained to teach the actual classes and then put their name on it at the end.
- Do you have access to a supportive instructor? In many programs, access to the instructor is limited. They teach the course and remain in the background. This is particularly true of live training where the instructor may be accessible during the days of the training and disappear thereafter.
As with anything that you are studying, access to an instructor is key for your correct understanding of the material, to point you in the right direction so you can specialize and figure your way around a roadblock in your career.
If the instructor isn’t passionate about helping people – and helping you, specifically – then selling you an EFT course might be simply a business transaction to pay their bills and that is not the best EFT Certification training for you. Get a sense of whether the instructor wants to take the time to reply adequately to your questions and if they are curious about your goals.
Feel out the communication and look for clues that they are truly offering you their knowledge and that your communication with them will be fruitful.
- Do you like the instructor? In the end, it is all about finding an instructor that gives you what you need and an instructor that you can relate to. Ask yourself, is this someone that I feel good about? Following your gut instinct is always a powerful tool for finding the right instructor for you and ultimately the best EFT Certification training for you. It can help to do a little research on the instructor to see how you feel.
- Read the website
- Check out the testimonials (do they feel real?)
- Check out their social media
- Watch videos on their YouTube channel
- Call them and have a chat
2. Choose the EFT "Brand" that is Right for You
When you start researching different programs, you will find a wide variety of personal brands. Some of these brands include things like “Clinical EFT”, “Faster EFT”, "Matrix Reimprinting", or “Meridian Tapping.”
Each of these brands represents an alteration of the original Classic EFT, which is taught in the vein of the Gary Craig EFT training process. This may be what you are looking for in the end, but be aware of which “brand” of EFT certification training you are signing up for and what exactly that brand represents.
For your first EFT certification, we suggest going with the classic EFT training, which is the base of what the founder, Gary Craig, laid out. The benefit here is that you can get a general understanding and see if you want to specialize in any other brand at a later time, you can do so.
3. Review the Course Requirements
When choosing the best EFT certification program for you, you want to research the requirements for graduating from the course. This can vary widely.
For example, one well-known program on Udemy has absolutely no requirements for graduation (as you can imagine the graduates have virtually no training), while others go to the opposite extreme requiring 50 to 100 case studies and an unspecified number of mentoring sessions in order to achieve certification, while still others have the skills training and hands-on practice actually built into the program.
- Check out the syllabus. You’ve probably noticed that some courses won’t display their syllabus easily, if at all, and can be cryptic about what you will learn.
This can be due to many reasons; they could still be new to EFT or teaching and they haven’t solidified their curriculum or they feel vulnerable to competition. If they feel confident that their curriculum is unbeatable, however, they will likely be proud to display it.
- The number of Required Practice Hours. Many programs require practice hours for certification which is critical to truly mastering EFT Tapping. However, do the hours feel excessive? Look for a program that offers what feels like an achievable requirement.
4. Online EFT Certification Course or Live Training
Live Training Benefits
- Live training can be fun!
- It offers the opportunity to get a way for a few days
- Live training is an opportunity to complete the coursework in an exceptionally short period of time
- It is an opportunity to be in the room with both an instructor and other students while learning
- Required for some accrediting agency approvals
Live Training Drawbacks
- Difficult to Absorb and Embody the Material. The brevity and distractions in a live training often make it impossible to absorb even a fraction of what you need to know and without repetition, retention is low. For this reason, many well-known EFT certification programs will require attendance at 2 or more live trainings.
- Easy to Forget What you Learn. One such drawback is what is known as the Ebbinghaus Curve, or the “Forgetting Curve”. The attention curve during a lecture has baffled many a schoolroom teacher and science has shown that unless learning is reinforced through time, most people will forget it as much as 90% of within (period of time).
- Inconsistency of training. Because live training is unpredictable, the classes can be inconsistent over time.
- The Inconvenience of Travel. Live workshops are often hard to find and far away. They can require putting your life on hold for up to a week at a time. For programs that require attendance at two live trainings per level, the inconvenience can be considerable.
- Cost of Travel. For live courses, the cost of the course itself is only one consideration. One must also include the costs of travel and the cost of being away from work, family, or other responsibilities for a period of time.
- Lost in a Crowd. For small-group training, this is not an issue. But many live trainings can convene upwards of 50 participants, making it difficult to ask questions and offering limiting access to the instructor. This can also be true for live group training.
- Ability to Review Materials. Often live workshops are full of fun and excitement but when the workshop is over, it is over and access to the instructor is often limited thereafter and the ability to review the material can be limited to hand-outs and notes.
Online Training Benefits
Fortunately, people who practice alternative healing tend to defy conventions and formalities the world tries to impose. Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, for instance, gave his roughly 150 hours of training on DVDs in the 90s! He made alternative healing easily accessible to people using the technology of the time. Today, that forward-thinking is online coursework.
- An online course has 24/7 access. You can absorb it at your pace, whether you are focused and can retain a lot or you need extra time to repeat the information in the courses.
- Time to Absorb and Embody a Skillset. Having the time to actually learn and practice a skillset over time cannot be overrated. With online EFT training you have the time to put your skillset into practice, make mistakes, and hone your craft until you can actually embody the skillset fully.
- Lifetime Access. And just like a library reference section, a generous online program will allow lifetime access to the coursework so you can refer to it even years later when you are working with clients using the Emotional Freedom Techniques.
- Unlimited Tapping Partners. Being online gives you access to a worldwide community and endless tapping partners.
- Lower Costs. Online training traditionally has fewer associated costs for both you and the instructor making the training more affordable. Payment plans are often available.
- Modern. Online training allows for a more modern experience including downloadable content and modules. It is also easy for the instructors to keep the content up to date.
Online Training Drawbacks
- Requires Self-Discipline
- Requires Access to Computer or Tablet
- Requires Access to the Internet
- Requires Basic Technology Skills
5. Cost
- How Much Is it? Cost is obviously a factor when choosing the best EFT Certification training for you. Examine your budget and the value of what you are receiving in relation to cost in order to determine if the price point for the course seems appropriate. A course that is too inexpensive can be a red flag and a course that is overpriced can lead to disappointment.
- Transparency of Costs and Fees. Is the site clear about what is and is not included in the cost? Are there additional fees such as fees for testing or certification? Are mentoring sessions required? If so, how many and how much are they? We can’t stress this enough: scour the website for transparency of costs when it comes to access to the instructor, mentorship requirements, and fees. Call or email, requesting information in advance. This is a critical step in finding the best EFT Certification training for you.
- Competitively priced. You will find a wide range in pricing. Is the price credible? Is the course competitively priced? Assuming your intention is to become a professional practitioner, how long will it reasonably take to recoup your course expenses with the knowledge that qualified professional practitioners generally earn upwards of $100 per hour for their services?
6. Accreditation
Considering that governments rarely, if ever, license alternative techniques, the courses that exist are certified by highly-regarded institutions by alternative treatment professionals to maintain quality and credibility.
Currently, the industry recognizes three accrediting agencies:
- EFT International
- The Association of EFT Professionals (AEFTP)
- Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)
Is the EFT certification training accredited by one of these three respected bodies?
Check Accreditation Requirements
When choosing your EFT Training, check the requirements for maintaining your accredited status and see if those requirements are something you are willing and able to maintain annually.
7. Community
8. Long Term Support and Business Development
Even if you’re engrossed in the art and science of Emotional Freedom Techniques, a little business know-how will make all of your enthusiasm shine.
Last Words
Best of luck in making the very best choice for you.
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